Gas warning: British press report
9 April 1915
Almost two weeks before the launch of the German gas attack at Ypres the British public was made aware of a new German weapon which might be used on British troops. The Times newspaper, dated Friday 9th April, 1915, carried a short feature about its intended deadly effect:

“It has been reported that in the Argonne, where the trenches are very close, the Germans have on several occasions pumped blazing oil or pitch onto the French, but, according to the statements of our prisoners, they are preparing a more novel reception for us in front of parts of our line. They propose to asphyxiate our men if they advance by means of poisonous gas. The gas is contained under pressure in steel cylinders, and, being of a heavy nature, will spread along the ground without being dissipated quickly.”
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The Times Newspaper, April 9th 1915