Canadian 3rd Brigade and divisional artillery ordered to assist the French
22 April 1915: 17.55
At 5.55pm Colonel C F Romer, a Staff Officer at the 1st Canadian Division headquarters in Chateau des Trois Tours, Brielen, sent a message by wire to the 3rd Canadian Brigade. A few minutes later it was received at Brigade headquarters in Mouse Trap Farm, located about 2 kilometres south-west of St. Julien:
“French 45th Division being heavily attacked aaa Order your Reserve Battalion [i.e. 14th Battalion in the 3rd Brigade reserve] to stand by aaa Render any help possible by rifle fire on your part aaa Our artillery has been directed to support the French.” (1)

By order of Lieutenant-General E A H Alderson, the 1st Canadian Division commander, the Canadian divisional artillery in the line (see below) was instructed to assist the French 45th Division by firing at the German infantry advancing into the French-held sector on the Canadian left. Just after 6pm Colonel Romer wired this message to the Canadian divisional artillery:
“French 45th Div. being attacked on their right and centre aaa Help by bringing arty. [artillery] fire to bear.” (2)

The Canadian Field Artillery batteries in support of the Canadian front line were 8 batteries located north-east and south-east of St. Julien:
- 2nd Brigade CFA with 4 batteries south-east of St. Julien: half of 5th, 6th, 7th, half of 8th. Attached: half of 2nd, half of 3rd.
- 3rd Brigade CFA with 4 batteries north-east and south-east of St. Julien: 9th, 10th, half of 11th, 12th. Attached: half of 8th.
Next>> 14th Canadian Battalion moves to Mouse Trap Farm
(1) War Diary of 1st Canadian Division, April 1915 Appendices: ref. WO95/3717
(2) War Diary of 1st Canadian Division, April 1915 Appendices: ref. WO95/3717