Canadian Engineers preparing canal bridges for demolition
22 April 1915: 21.25
According to a field message sent by the commander of the Canadian Engineers, Lieutenant-Colonel Armstrong, it was confirmed at 9.25pm that his Engineers were working on the following bridges. They were preparing the bridges for demolition to prevent the German Army crossing the Yser Canal.
Bridges A and No. 1

The remaining footbridges known as A. and No. 1 were prepared for demolition by a party of the Canadian 1st Field Company under Regimental Sergeant-Major Ridgewell. 1st Field Company was billeted west of the canal and had been building splinter-proof head-cover at the 1st Canadian Division headquarters at Chateau des Trois Tours near Brielen. The Engineers' headquarters' staff were now guarding these two bridgeheads.
Bridges 2, 3 and 3A
The foot-bridges Nos. 3 and 3A, half a mile nearer to Ypres, and the horse traffic bridge No. 2 were also charged and manned.
Next>> 3rd Canadian Brigade to organise a counter-attack at Kitchener's Wood
Official History of the Canadian Forces in The Great War 1914-1919, Appendices, no. 379, p. 244