Three gaps in the Allied Front Line
22 April 1915: 20.30
As the German attack progressed and the French troops retired, a dangerous gap had been opened up in the Allied line. The left of the 1st Canadian Division was exposed along the Franco-British Boundary to the Yser Canal at Brielen Bridge (Bridge No. 4).

The 3rd Canadian Brigade, together with some French troops, had managed to secure three important positions in the Canadian left flank but this still left three large gaps inbetween them:
- position held: at the extreme right on the Poelcappelle road by part of the French 1/1st Tirailleurs and by a short flank thrown back by the 13th Canadian Battalion
- gap of about 1,800 metres
- position held: at St. Julien by two and a half companies of Canadian 3rd Brigade (i.e. 2nd Company 14th Battalion, 2nd Company 15th Battalion, half of the 3rd Company 13th Battalion)
- gap of 900 metres
- position held: at Mouse Trap Farm four French companies of the 2nd bis Zouaves and 7th Zouaves ('Cail' Battalion), who had been in the second position area south-east of Pilckem, had joined the 3rd Brigade reserves presently located at the G.H.Q. Line near the farm (i.e. 1st, 3rd and 4th Companies of 14th Battalion and 3rd Field Company of the Canadian Engineers)
- gap of 2,700 metres from Mouse Trap Farm area to the Yser Canal at Brielen Bridge (Bridge No. 4). (Only one French machine gun post was said to be located in this gap at Fusilier Farm north-east of Bridge No. 5.)
The danger of the situation was such that even when British reinforcements did arrive in the Canadian Divisional sector, the new flank would be little more than an outpost line, with few trenches or wire defences. It was a line that was also only 6.5 kilometres away from the backs of the troops in the British 27th and 28th Divisions in the eastern and southern sectors of the Ypres Salient.(1)
Canadian 1st Division Urged to Secure the Left Flank
A message had been sent from British V. Corps HQ in Poperinghe to confirm that two battalions (2nd and 3rd Battalions) of the 1st Canadian Infantry Brigade had been placed at the division's disposal. This was received at 8.15pm at 1st Canadian Division HQ. The remaining two battalions of 1st Brigade (1st and 4th Battalions) were to form the V. Corps Reserve. The V. Corps HQ urged the 1st Canadian Division to make its left secure and to “make certain of the second line of defence at any rate”.(2)
Confusion Cleared Up: The Canadian 3rd Brigade is Holding On
The rumours and first reports received by General Alderson that the Canadian line had been pushed back were finally confirmed as mistaken. Concerning the three positions held by the Allies as mentioned above, Brigadier-General Turner, commander of 3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade, reported from Mouse Trap Farm at 8.25pm. His message cleared up some earlier confusion about the desperate situation for the 3rd Brigade from previous messages. Brigadier-General Turner confirmed that the left of the Canadian front line was actually holding on but that there was a gap between St. Julien and Brigade headquarters in Mouse Trap Farm:
“Our left subsection reported holding on aaa It is supported between ST. JULIEN and trenches by one and half companies aaa ST. JULIEN to Bde H.Q. [brigade headquarters] not occupied at present aaa 3rd Fd. Co. [3rd Field Company, Canadian Engineers] Bomb Company and 3 companies 14th R.M.R. [i.e. 14th Battalion Royal Montreal Regiment] holding G.H.Q. [Line] from Bde H.Q. [brigade headquarters] to left 1000x [yards] aaa French troops mixed with them aaa We do not know what is on left aaa Ordered 1 co. 16th [Battalion] between ST. JULIEN and B.H.Q. [Brigade HQ] and 1 co. [company] to prolong left aaa 2 co. [companies] 16th to B.H.Q. [brigade headquarters] aaa Rifle fire stopped virtually aaa” (3)
British 28th Infantry Division Reports No Attack on its Front
At about 8pm the 1st Canadian Division headquarters had also sent a message to the neighbouring British 28th Division to inform them of the situation in the Canadian sector and to ask if they had been attacked.(4) Some thirty-five minutes later the reply was received from 28th Division that no heavy attack had been reported by its brigades in the front line.
Next>> 2nd Canadian Brigade Reserves Assist 3rd Canadian Brigade
(1) British Military Operations: France and Belgium 1915, p. 181
(2) Official History of the Canadian Forces in The Great War 1914-1919, Appendices, no. 364, p. 242
(3) Official History of the Canadian Forces in The Great War 1914-1919, Appendices, no. 370, p. 242 (This message was received by hand at divisional headquarters at about 9 pm.)
(4) Official History of the Canadian Forces in The Great War 1914-1919, Appendices, no. 365, p. 242
Official History of the Canadian Forces in The Great War 1914-1919, pp. 241-242