British 28th and 27th Divisions respond to the German attack
22 April 1915: 20.00
As soon as the German attack was launched the commander of 28th Division, General Bulfin, and the commander of 27th Division, General Snow, made immediate arrangements to move some of their reserve battalions to assist the Canadians on their left.(1)
The numbers 1 to 9 for the battalions in the list below relates to the numbers in blue of the battalions positioned on the map north east of Ypres.

(1) 2nd Battalion East Kent Regiment (the Buffs) (28th Division; 85th Brigade reserve): The battalion had been located in billets near St. Jean. Took up a position at St. Jean at the crossroads leading north.
(2) 3rd Battalion Middlesex Regiment (28th Division; 85th Brigade reserve): The battalion had been located in billets near St. Jean. Half of the battalion took up a position at St. Jean at the crossroads leading north. The other half went to Brielen Bridge (Bridge No. 4) to secure both banks.
(3) 5th Battalion the King's Own Regiment (28th Division; 83rd Brigade reserve): The battalion had been located in billets in Ypres, however, being under heavy enemy shellfire it had been moved to St. Jean.
(4) 1st Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment (28th Division; 83rd Brigade reserve): The battalion had been located north-west of Ypres, south of the Ypres-Brielen road. It was under orders to set off on the move to reinforce St. Jean.
(5) 2nd Battalion the Cheshire Regiment and
(6) 1st Battalion the Monmouthshire Regiment (28th Division; 84th Brigade reserve): These battalions were located at Verlorenhoek. They were ordered to move to a covered position under the Frezenberg Ridge (east of Verlorenhoek) as a local reserve.
(7) 4th Battalion the Rifle Brigade (27th Division; 80th Brigade - divisional reserve):The battalion had been located north-west of Ypres on the Ypres-Brielen road. It was ordered to move to a location between Potijze and St. Jean.
(8) 2nd Battalion King's Shropshire Light Infantry (27th Division; 80th Brigade - divisional reserve): The battalion was located north-west of Bellewaerde Lake. The 2nd Company remained at Bellewaerde Lake. The 1st, 3rd and 4th Companies moved to the 27th Division HQ in the chateau near Potizje.
(9) 2nd Company, the Wessex Regiment (27th Division): This was one of the divisional engineer companies. Sent to Wieltje to assist with constructing defences there.
Next>> The French counter-attack towards Pilckem
Acknowledgements & Notes
(1) See the page Order of Battle of the British Second Army: 22 April 1915
British Military Operations: France and Belgium 1915, p. 180-181