Canadians report that enemy rifle fire has slackened
22 April 1915: 20.00
In the area south of Langemarck, however, the fighting was beginning to ebb.
At about 8pm Canadian divisional headquarters at Chateau des Trois Tours, near Brielen, received a message (sent at 7.30pm) from Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes, Brigade Major of 3rd Brigade and presently in Mouse Trap Farm. He confirmed that the rifle fire had slackened and the enemy appeared to be digging himself in. The enemy referred to here was the German 51. Reserve Division.

In addition Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes informed 1st Canadian Division headquarters that he only had one battalion available for a counter-attack, i.e. the 10th Canadian Battalion, which he did not believe would be very effective. He said that the German attack seemed to be developing more from the south-west of his headquarters at Mouse Trap Farm.(1)
At the same time the 13th Canadian Battalion headquarters in St. Julien reported to 3rd Brigade headquarters in Mouse Trap Farm that the fire was slackening. Also that contact had been lost with his 2nd Company of the 14th Canadian Battalion somewhere north of St. Julien:
“Bombardment seems to be slackening aaa Last report from front all our lines were holding aaa Have sent out one company R.M.R. [i.e. 2nd Company 14th Battalion] under Major Hanson and about 40 men under Capt. Morrissey to support and try to hold our left flank aaa Have lost touch with Capt. Morrissey aaa Understand Major Hanson has been wounded and his company obliged to fall back. Not confirmed.” (2)
Next>> Three gaps in the Allied Front Line
Acknowledgements & Notes
(1) Official History of the Canadian Forces in The Great War 1914-1919, Appendices, no. 360, p. 241
(2) Official History of the Canadian Forces in The Great War 1914-1919, Appendices, no. 363, p. 241 and see the page 14th Canadian Battalion moves to Mouse Trap Farm