German air reconnaisance reports Allied reinforcements
22 April 1915: 20.45

Although darkness had already fallen by about 7.30pm German air reconnaisance reports to 4th Army headquarters at Tielt observed that there was increased railway traffic on the railway line from Hazebrouck in France heading northwards to Poperinghe. This led the German 4th Army Staff to believe that the enemy was bringing reinforcements to the battle area.
Earlier in the evening Allied reinforcements had also been seen moving into the area at St. Julien, opposite 51. Reserve Division, which was making the forward progress of this division more difficult. These British reserves were the men of 7th, 10th, 14th and 16th Canadian Battalions moving forward. As a result, the 102. Reserve Brigade was ordered to 'stand to' and move from its reserve position in the south-east corner of Houthulst Forest to the village of Koekuit, about 2 kilometres north of Langemarck. It would arrive in position there later that evening.
Next>> The Canadian line holds firm
Der Weltkrieg 1914 bis 1918: Sommer und Herbst 1915, 8. Band, p. 41