German XXVI Reserve Korps holds its positions
22 April 1915: 20.30
Slow Progress of German 51. Reserve Division
At about 8.30pm the 51. Reserve Division reported that it was continuing its advance south of Langemarck. It had taken the two small bridges over the Haanebeke river south-west of Langemarck. Further to the south it was still fighting for another river crossing.
Orders to Hold Present Positions

Reports had already been sent by the 3rd Canadian Brigade to their divisional headquarters near Brielen that the enemy rifle and artillery fire had slackened in their sector from about 7.30pm. At 8.30pm Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes of 3rd Brigade headquarters reported that rifle fire had "stopped virtually". (1)
Indeed, at about 8.30pm orders were received by both 51. and 52. Reserve Divisions to hold their fire and to stay in their present positions. The next day they were told they would be called on to make another attack.
Reserve Brigade and Artillery Moved Forward
37. Landwehr Brigade, recently brought into the battle zone from the reserve, was ordered to consolidate a reserve position on the Pilckem Ridge. The commander of the heavy artillery was ordered to move his batteries forward and form them up, so as to be able to fire on enemy positions west of the Yser Canal and on the town of Ypres.
(1) see the pages Canadians report that enemy fire has slackenedThe Canadian 3rd Brigade line is holding