French troops move from the Army reserve
22 April 1915: 23.45

In accordance with orders sent from the headquarters of the Détachement d'Armée Belgique at 8.30pm, French units in General Putz's Army reserve were set on the move towards the battle zone. They were put at the disposition of General Quiquandon, commander of the Groupement d'Elverdinghe and the 45th Algerian Division:
- The colonel commanding the 3rd bis Zouaves (of 91st Brigade, 45th Algerian Division) received the order to move from the reserve at 11.45pm
- 186th Brigade, currently located in the reserve of 87th Territorial Division, was 'stood to' and transported in lorries towards the south-west of Woesten. Its role was to occupy the third line of defence east of Woesten.
- Two batteries of 75mm guns
Next>> The British Town Major prepares a withdrawal from Ypres
Les Armées Françaises dans la Grande Guerre, Tome II, Troisième Partie, Chapitre XV, pp. 700-701 and Annexe 1423.