The Great War Timeline - 1914
JUNE 1914
28th June
- The Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated at Sarajevo.
JULY 1914
5th July
- The Kaiser receives at Potsdam special envoy from Austrian Emperor and promises "the full support of Germany" in the event of Austrian action against Serbia. He consults his military and naval advisers before leaving for a cruise in northern waters.
14th July
- Council of Austro-Hungarian Ministers finally determine on action against Serbia.
19th July
- Council of Austro-Hungarian Ministers approve of draft ultimatum to Serbia.
23rd July
- Austro-Hungarian Government send ultimatum to Serbia (see 25th).
24th July
- German Government submit note to Entente Governments approving Austrian ultimatum to Serbia (see 23rd).
- British Foreign Minister (Sir E. Grey) initiates proposals for an international conference in order to avert war (see 27th and 28th).
- Belgian Government declare that, in the event of war, Belgium will uphold her neutrality "whatever the consequences" (see 31st).
25th July
- Serbian Government order Mobilisation (see 23rd ).
- Austria-Hungary severs diplomatic relations with Serbia. Austro-Hungarian Minister leaves Belgrade (see 26th).
- Serbian Government transferred from Belgrade to Nish (see November 3rd, 1915).
26th July
- Austro-Hungarian Government order Partial Mobilisation as against Serbia (see 28th and 31st).
- Montenegrin Government order Mobilisation (see August 5th).
- British Admiralty countermand orders for dispersal of Fleets (see 28th).
- The Kaiser returns from the Baltic to Berlin (see 5th).
27th July
- French and Italian Governments accept British proposals for an international conference (see 24th).
- German High Seas Fleet recalled from Norway to war bases.
28th July
- Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia (see 25th and 26th).
- German Government reject British proposals for an international conference (see 24th and 27th).
- British Fleets ordered to war bases (see 26th).
29th July
- Russian Government order Partial Mobilisation as against Austria. (Evening) Russian Minister for War orders General Mobilisation without the knowledge of the Tsar (see 30th and 31st).
- Hostilities commence between Austria-Hungary and Serbia: Belgrade bombarded by Austrian artillery (see 25th, and December 2nd).
- German Government make proposals to secure British neutrality (see 30th).
- British Admiralty send “Warning Telegram” to the Fleets.
- British War Office send out telegrams ordering "Precautionary Period" (2:10pm).
30th July
- The Tsar signs order at 4pm for mobilisation of Russian army (see 29th and 31st).
- British Government reject German proposals for British neutrality (see 29th).
- Australian Government place Australian Navy at disposal of British Admiralty.
31st July
- Belgian Government order Mobilisation (see 24th).
- Russian Government order General Mobilisation (see 29th and 30th).
- Austro-Hungarian Government order General Mobilisation (see 26th and 28th).
- German Government send ultimatum to Russia (presented at midnight, 31st-1st) (see August 1st).
- State of "Kriegsgefahr" proclaimed in Germany - (see August 1st).
- Turkish Government order Mobilisation (to commence August 3rd). (see (October 29th).
- London Stock Exchange closed (see January 4th, 1915).
1st August
- British Government order Naval Mobilisation.
- German Government order General Mobilisation and declare war on Russia (see July 31st).
- Hostilities commence on Polish frontier.
- French Government order General Mobilisation.
2nd August
- German Government send ultimatum to Belgium demanding passage through Belgian territory (see 3rd, and July 24th).
- German troops cross frontier of Luxembourg (see November 20th, 1918).
- Hostilities commence on French frontier.
- Libau bombarded by German cruiser "Augsburg" (see November 17th).
- British Government guarantee naval protection of French coasts against German aggression way of the North Sea or English Channel.
- Moratorium proclaimed in Great Britain (see November 4).
- General von Moltke [Chief of the Great General Staff since 1906.] appointed Chief of the General Staff of the German Field Armies (see September 14th).
3rd August
- Belgian Government refuse German demands (see 2nd and 4th).
- British Government guarantee armed support to Belgium should Germany violate Belgian neutrality.
- Germany declares war on France.
- British Government orders General Mobilisation.
- British Government issues Proclamation authorising requisition of shipping.
- Italy declares neutrality.
- The Grand Duke Nicholas appointed Commander-in-Chief Russian armies (see 14th).
4th August
- British Government sends ultimatum to Germany.
- Great Britain declares war on Germany at 11 pm (midnight 4th-5th by Central European time).
- Belgium severs diplomatic relations with Germany (see 2nd and 3rd).
- Germany declares war on Belgium.
- German troops cross the Belgian frontier and attack Liège (see 3rd and 7th, and November 26th, 1918). Battle and Siege of Liège begins (see 16th).
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
- Two German airships pass over Brussels by night (first hostile act in the air).
- German warships "Goeben" and "Breslau" bombard Philippeville and Bona respectively (see 7th and 11th).
- Secret Alliance between Germany and Turkey signed at Berlin.
- British Grand Fleet constituted under Admiral Sir John Jellicoe (see November 29th and December 4th, 1916).
- Staff of British Expeditionary Force appointed [Commander-in-Chief: Field-Marshal Sir John French (see December 15th, 1915). Chief of General Staff: Lieut.-General Sir Archibald Murray (see January 24th, 1915). Adjutant-General: Lieut.-General Sir Nevil Macready (see February 21st, 1916). Quartermaster-General: Lieut.-General Sir William Robertson (see January 24th, 1915)].
- British Government issue Proclamation specifying articles to be treated as contraband (see 20th. and September 21st).
- German armed merchant cruiser "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse" leaves Bremen (see 26th).
5th August
- Montenegro declares war on Austria-Hungary (see July 26th).
- Minelaying in the open sea commenced by the Germans (east of Southwold) (see October 3rd). German minelayer "Königin Luise" sunk.
- First meeting of British War Council (see May 14th, 1915). [Formed to exercise the functions of the Committee of Imperial Defence, but with additional executive powers.]
6th August
- Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia. (Declaration presented at St. Petersburg).
- Serbia declares war on Germany (see July 28th).
- Battle of the Frontiers begins in France. [General name covering all operations of the French armies up to the Battle of the Marne of 5th - 9th September 1914.]
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
- Field-Marshal Earl Kitchener succeeds Mr. Asquith as Secretary of State for War, Great Britain. (Mr. Asquith held the appointment from March 31st, 1914.) (See June 5th, 1916.)
- H.M.S. "Amphion" sunk by mine off Yarmouth.
- Naval Convention between France and Great Britain concluded in London. French Admiral to command Allied Naval Forces in the Mediterranean. (See November 9th.)
- Action between H.M.S. "Bristol" and German cruiser "Karlsruhe" in the West Indies (see November 4th).
- German armed merchant cruiser "Prinz Eitel Friedrich" leaves Tsingtau (see January 28th and April 8th, 1915).
- Admiral von Spee's squadron leaves Ponape (Caroline islands) (see, September 22nd). ["Scharnhorst" (flag), "Gneisenau," "Nürnberg." "Dresden" and "Leipzig" joined on October 12th and 14th respectively]
7th August
- City of Liège occupied by German forces (see 4th and 16th).
- First units of British Expeditionary Force land in France (see 16th).
- French troops cross the frontier of Alsace (see 2nd).
- Action between H.M.S. "Gloucester" and the "Goeben" and "Breslau" off the coast of Greece (see 4th and 11th).
8th August
- Montenegro severs diplomatic relations with Germany.
- "State of War" commences between Montenegro and Germany (see 5th).
- Battle of Mulhouse. Mulhouse (Alsace) occupied by French forces (see 7th, 11th, 19th and 25th).
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
- British forces cross frontier of Togoland and occupy Lome (see 13th and 26th).
- Swiss Government order Mobilisation.
- Hostilities commence in East Africa (see 15th). H.M.S. "Astræa" bombards Dar es Salaam (see September 4th, 1916).
9th August
- British aerial cross-Channel patrol for the protection of transports instituted.
- Belgian Government proposal for neutralisation of African free trade zone formulated (see 22nd).
- H.M.S. "Birmingham" sinks German submarine "U.-15" in the North Sea. (First submarine destroyed.)
10th August
- British aerial coast patrol established.
- France severs diplomatic relations with Austria-Hungary (see 12th).
11th August
- German warships "Goeben" and "Breslau" enter the Dardenelles (see 4th and 7th).
- Mulhouse retaken by German forces (see 8th and 19th).
- French Government issue first list of contraband (see 25th and November 6th).
12th August
- Great Britain and France declare war on Austria-Hungary (see 10th).
- Austrian forces cross the Save and seize Shabatz (see 25th).
13th August
- Austrian forces cross River Drina and begin first invasion of Serbia (see 25th).
- Four squadrons Royal Flying Corps fly from Dover to France. (First units to cross by air.)
- Allied advance on Kamina (Togoland) from Lome begins (see 8th and 26th).
14th August
- Proclamation issued by Russian Commander-in-Chief (The Grand Duke Nicholas) promising autonomy to Poland (see April 3rd, 1915).
- Battles of Morhange and Sarrebourg begin (see 20th).
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
15th August
- Japanese Government send ultimatum to Germany demanding evacuation of Tsingtau (see 23rd, and September 2nd).
- German troops cross frontier of British East Africa and occupy Taveta (see 8th. November 2nd, and March 10th, 1916).
- Junction of British and French squadrons effected at entrance to the Adriatic.
16th August
- Landing of original British Expeditionary Force (B.E.F.) [4 Divisions and 1 Cavalry Division] in France completed (announced August 18th) (see 7th).
- Last forts of Liège captured by German forces (16th/17th) (see 4th and 7th).
- Naval action in the Southern Adriatic: Austrian light cruiser "Zenta" sunk by Allied squadron.
17th August
- Battle of the Tser and the Jadar (Serbia) begins (see 13th and 21st).
- Belgian Government transferred from Brussels to Antwerp (see October 7th).
18th August
- Battle of the Gette (18th/19th) in Battle for Antwerp.
- Vossuq ed Douleh, Persian Foreign Minister, resigns. (Appointed January 11th, 1913.) (See 19th, and August 29th, 1916.)
19th August
- Belgian Army retreats from the Gette on Antwerp.
- Mulhouse again taken by French forces (see 11th and 25th).
- First unit of Indian Expeditionary Force "C" [This unit, the 29th Punjabis, was the first to leave India for any theatre of war.] leaves India for East Africa (see September 1st).
- Ala es Sultaneh, Persian Prime Minister, resigns (appointed January 11th, 1913) and is appointed Foreign Minister (see 18th, and February 20th, 1915).
- Mustaufi ul Mamalek appointed Persian Prime Minister (see March 14th, 1915).
20th August
- Brussels occupied by German forces (see November 18th, 1918).
- Battles of Morhange and Sarrebourg end (see 14th).
- Longwy invested by German forces (see 26th).
- Battle of Gawaiten-Gumbinnen (East Prussia) (19th/20th).
- Death of Pope Pius X (see September 3rd).
- First British Order in Council revising "Declaration of London" issued (see. October 29th).
21st August
- German forces begin attack on Namur (see 25th).
- Battle of Charleroi begins (see 24th).
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
- Battle of the Tser and the Jadar ends. Austrian Armies in Serbia retreat (see 17th).
- German forces from German South-West Africa cross frontier of British South Africa (see September 19th).
- British Government issue orders for the raising of the first New Army of six Divisions (see May 9th, 1915).
22nd August
- Austria-Hungary declares war on Belgium (see 28th).
- Battle of the Ardennes begins (see 24th).
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
- German Government agree to Belgian proposal, made through Spanish Government, re African free trade zone (see 9th, and November 20th).
23rd August
- Battle of Mons (see 24th).
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
- German airship "Z.-8" shot down in the Vosges.
- Battle of Tannenberg begins (see 31st).
- First Battle of Krasnik (Poland) begins (see 25th).
- Germany severs diplomatic relations with Japan (see 15th).
- Japan declares war on Germany (see 15th).
- General C. M. Dobell appointed to command Allied land forces operating in the Cameroons.
- General von Hindenburg takes over command of German Eighth Army (see September 18th).
24th August
- British Army retreats from Mons (see 23rd, and September 5th).
- Battle of Charleroi ends (see 21st).
- Battle of the Ardennes ends (see 22nd).
- Austria-Hungary severs diplomatic relations with Japan (see 25th).
- First units of Indian Expeditionary Force "A" leave India for France (in first place for Egypt) (see September 26th).
25th August
- Namur captured by German forces (see 21st, and November 21st, 1918.)
- Battle of the Meuse begins (see 28th).
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
- Battle of Malines begins (see 27th).
- Valenciennes taken by German forces (see November 3rd, 1918).
- Maubeuge invested by German forces (see September 7th).
- Battle of the Mortagne (Vosges) begins (see September 3rd).
- Mulhouse again retaken by German forces (see 19th, and November 17th, 1918)
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
- First use of aircraft for patrol purposes (over retreating British forces in France).
- First Battle of Krasnik (Poland) ends (see 23rd).
- Shabatz (see 12th) retaken by Serbian forces. Last Austrian forces recross the Drina (see 13th). End of First Austrian invasion of Serbia (see September 8th).
- Japan severs diplomatic relations with Austria-Hungary (see 24th).
- Japan declares "State of War" with Austria-Hungary.
- Nigerian frontier of the Cameroons crossed by British forces.
- Affair of Tepe. Chad frontier crossed by French forces.
- French Government issue new decree defining contraband (see 11th, and November 6th).
26th August
- Louvain sacked by German troops.
- Battle of Le Cateau.
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
- Noyon taken by German forces (see September 21st).
- Longwy capitulates to German forces (see 20th).
- Cambrai occupied by German forces (see November 20th, 1917, and October 9th, 1918).
- Douai occupied by German forces (see October 17th, 1918).
- First Battle of Lemberg (Galicia.) begins (see 30th).
- Battle of Zamosc-Komarow begins (see September 2nd).
- Naval action off the Aaland Islands. German cruiser "Magdeburg" destroyed by Russian squadron.
- German forces in Togoland capitulate to the Allied forces (see 8th, 13th and 31st).
- Action between H.M.S. "Highflyer" and German armed merchant cruiser "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse" off the Rio de Oro: latter sunk (see August 4).
- General Galliéni appointed Governor of Paris (see October 30th, 1915).
- M. Messimy, French Minister for War, [Appointed June 14th, 1914.] resigns (see 27th).
- M. Delcassé succeeds M. Doumergue [Appointed August 3rd, 1914.] as French Foreign Minister.
27th August
- Battle of Malines ends (see 25th).
- British Marines landed at Ostend, accompanied by R.N.A.S. unit.
- Lille occupied by German cavalry (see September 5th).
- Mezières occupied by German forces (see November 10th, 1918).
- M. Millerand appointed French Minister for War (see 26th, and October 29th, 1915).
- First attack on Mora (Cameroons) (see September 8th, 1915).
28th August
- Battle of the Meuse ends (see 25th).
- Austro-Hungarian declaration of war received by Belgian Government (see 22nd).
- Naval action off Heligoland (German light cruisers "Köln", "Mainz", and "Ariadne" sunk by British squadron).
29th August
- Arras evacuated by the French forces (see September 30th).
- First Battle of Guise begins (see 30th).
- Sedan taken by German forces (see November 6th, 1918).
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
- German airship "Z.-5" brought down by gunfire at Mlawa (Poland).
- Laon, La Fère, and Roye occupied by German forces (see March 17th, 1917, and October 13th, 1918).
- First Battle of Guise ends (see 29th, and November 4th, 1918).
- First German aeroplane raid on Paris (see September 16th, 1918).
- First Battle of Lemberg (Galicia) ands (see 26th, and September 3rd).
- First attack on Garua (Cameroons) (see April 18th, 1915).
- Samoa occupied by New Zealand Expeditionary Force.
31st August
- Amiens entered by German forces (see September 13th).
- Battle of Tannenberg ends (see 23rd).
- Franco- British Agreement defining provisional zones in Togoland concluded (see 26th, and December 27th, 1916).
1st September
- Lord Kitchener visits France to confer with the British Commander-in-Chief.
- Craonne taken by German forces (see May 4th, 1917).
- Soissons taken by German forces (see 13th).
- First unit of Indian Expeditionary Force "C" arrives at Mombasa (see August 19th and December 31st).
- General J. Stewart takes over command of British forces in East Africa (see October 31st).
2nd September
- Battle of Zamosc-Komarow ends (see August 26th).
- Japanese forces land in Shantung to attack Tsingtau (see August 15th, September 23rd and November 7th).
- French Government transferred from Paris to Bordeaux (see November 18th).
3rd September
- Battle of the Mortagne ends (see August 25th).
- Lemberg captured by Russian forces (see August 30th, 1914, and June 22nd, 1915).
- H.M.S. "Speedy" sunk by mine off the Humber.
- Benedict XV elected Pope (see August 20th and November 5th)
- Prince William of Wied leaves Albania (see October 4th).
- French Government inform united States Government that they will observe "Declaration of London" subject to certain modifications.
4th September
- Battle of the Grand Couronné (Nancy) begins (see 12th).
Battles of the Western Front: First Encounters and Battles of the Frontiers
- German Government agree to observe "Declaration of London" if other belligerents conform thereto, and issue their list of contraband.
5th September
- End of the Retreat from Mons (see August 24th, 1914, and November 11th, 1918).
- Battle of the Ourcq begins.
Battles of the Western Front: German Advance Blocked at the Marne
- German forces reach Claye, 10 miles from Paris (nearest point reached during the war).
- Reims taken by German forces (see 14th).
- Lille evacuated by German forces (see August 27th and October 12th).
- H.M.S. "Pathfinder" sunk by submarine in the North Sea (first British warship so destroyed).
- Battle of the Masurian Lakes begins (see 15th).
- German forces cross frontier of North Rhodesia. Defence of Abercorn begins (see 9th).
- British, French, and Russian Governments sign the "Pact of London." Decision not to make separate peace (see April 26th, October 19th, and November 30th, 1915).
6th September
- Battle of the Marne begins [French date] (see 9th and 10th).
Battles of the Western Front: German Advance Blocked at the Marne
- Serbian passage of the Save. Serbian operations in Syrmia begin (see 11th).
- Affair of Tsavo (East Africa).
7th September
- Maubeuge capitulates to German forces (see August 25th, 1914. and November 8th, 1918).
- Battle of Tarnavka (Galicia) begins (see 9th).
- Naval operations off Duala (Cameroons) begin, in preparation for attack by Allied military forces (see 27th).
8th September
- Austrian forces begin second invasion of Serbia (see august 25th and December 15th).
- Battle of the Drina begins (see 17th).
- Second Battle of Lemberg begins (see 11th).
- General Sir John Maxwell takes over command of British forces in Egypt (see March 19th, 1916).
9th September
- German retreat from the Marne begins (see 6th).
Battles of the Western Front: German Advance Blocked at the Marne
- Battle of Tarnavka ends (see 7th).
- Turkish Government announce abolition of "The Capitulations."
- Affairs near Karonga (Nyassaland). First important fighting.
- Defence of Abercorn (Rhodesia) ends. German force retreats (see 5th).
- First units of Indian Expeditionary Force "A" arrive at Suez (see 19th).
10th September
- Battle of the Marne ends [British date] (see 6th).
- Semlin (Syrmia) occupied by Serbian forces (see 17th).
- German light cruiser "Emden" makes her first capture in the Indian Ocean (Greek collier "Pontoporos") (see 22nd, and October 28th).
- German and Austrian representatives expelled from Egypt (see November 1st).
11th September
- Second Battle of Lemberg ends (see 8th).
- Austrian forces in Galicia retreat (see October 3rd).
- Serbian advance in Syrmia abandoned (see 6th and 17th).
- British Government issue orders for the raising of the second New Army of six divisions (see August 21st and September 13th).
- Australian Expeditionary Force lands on the Bismarck Archipelago (German New Guinea).
12th September
- Battle of the Grand Couronné (Nancy) ends (see 4th).
- Battle of the Aisne 1914 begins (see 15th).
Battles of the Western Front: The Germans Entrench their Positions on the Aisne
- Affair of Herbertshöhe (German New Guinea) (see 11th and 17th)
13th September
- Soissons (see 1st, and January 8th, 1915) and Amiens (see August 31st) reoccupied by French forces.
- British Government issue orders raising third New Army of six divisions (see 11th).
14th September
- Reims evacuated by German forces (see 5th and 19th).
- Action between British armed merchant cruiser "Carmania" and German armed merchant cruiser "Cap Trafalgar" in the South Atlantic : latter sunk.
- General von Moltke resigns as Chief of the General Staff of the German Field Armies, and is succeeded by General von Falkenhayn (see August 2nd, 1914, and August 29th, 1916).
15th September
- Battle of the Aisne 1914 ends (see 12th).
- Battle of the Masurian Lakes ends (see 5th).
- Czernowitz (Bukovina) taken by russian forces (see October 22nd).
- Rebellion in South Africa begins (see. December 1st and 28th)
17th September
- German New Guinea and surrounding Colonies capitulate to Australian Expeditionary Force (see 21st, and October 11th).
- Serbian forces in Syrmia withdrawn. Semlin evacuated (see 10th).
- Battle of the Drina ends (see 8th) [This is approximately the date on which the main force of the Austrian offensive had spent itself. But there was no definite end to this battle, which subsided into continuous sharp local actions for the heights south of the Drina. These did not terminate until the Serbian retreat in the first days of November.].
- British Naval Mission leaves Turkey.
- Admiral Souchon (Imperial German navy) assumes control of Turkish navy.
18th September
- General von Hindenburg appointed Commander-in-Chief of German Armies in Eastern Theatre (see August 23rd and November 27th).
19th September
- First units of Indian Expeditionary Force "A" leave Egypt for Marseilles (see 9th).
- First bombardment of Reims Cathedral by German artillery (see 14th).
- Cattaro bombarded by French squadron.
- Lüderitzbucht (German South-West Africa) occupied by South African forces. [First German territory to be entered by Union troops.]
- British and French Governments guarantee to Belgium the integrity of her colonies.
- Secret agreement for mutual support concluded between Russian and Rumanian Governments.
20th September
- H.M.S. "Pegasus" sunk by German light cruiser "Königsberg" at Zanzibar (see October 31st, 1914, and July 11th, 1915).
21st September
- Noyon retaken by French forces (see 25th, and August 26th).
- Jaroslaw (Galicia) taken by Russian forces (see May 14th, 1915).
- German armed forces in New Guinea surrender to the Australian Expeditionary Force (see 17th, and October 11th).
- British Proclamation issued adding to list of contraband (see August 4th and December 23rd).
22nd September
- First Battle of Picardy begins (see 26th).
- First Battle of Albert begins (see 25th).
- H.M.S. "Aboukir", "Hogue" and "Cressy" sunk by German submarine "U.-9."
- Admiral von Spee's squadron bombards Papeete in Tahiti (see August 6th and November 1st).
- German light cruiser "Emden" bombards Madras (see 10th, and October 28th).
- First British air raid on Germany (Düsseldorf and Cologne airship sheds attacked) (see October 8th).
- First use of wireless telegraphy from aeroplane to artillery (by British Royal Flying Corps).
23rd September
- British force joins Japanese army before Tsingtau [Force landed September 22nd ; in action September 24th.] (see 2nd, and November 7th).
24th September
- Péronne taken by German forces (see March. 18th, 1917).
- Przemysl isolated by Russian forces. First siege begins (see October 9th).
- Russian forces begin first invasion of North Hungary (see October 8th).
25th September
- Noyon retaken by German forces (see 21st, and March 18th, 1917).
- First Battle of Albert ends (see 22nd).
- Actions on the Niemen begin (see 29th).
26th September
- First Battle of Picardy ends (see 22nd).
- Bapaume occupied by German forces (see March 17th, 1917).
- First units of Indian Expeditionary Force "A" land at Marseilles (see 19th, and October 19th).
27th September
- Siege of Antwerp begins (see October 10th).
Battles of the Western Front: Siege of Antwerp
- First Battle of Artois begins (see October 12th).
- Duala (Cameroons) captured by Allied forces (26th/27th) (see 7th).
28th September
- Malines taken by German forces.
- Distinctive markings on German aircraft first reported (see November 12th).
- Lieut.-General Sir A. Barrett appointed Commander-designate of Indian Expeditionary Force "D" for Mesopotamia (see November 13th).
29th September
- German offensive on the Niemen abandoned (see 25th).
30th September
- Arras reoccupied by French forces (see August 29th).
1st October
- First Battle of Arras begins (see 4th).
2nd October
- Termonde (Belgium) taken by German forces.
- Indian Expeditionary Force "E" formed in Egypt from details of Indian Expeditionary Force "A" (see August 24th, 1914, and March 25th, 1915).
3rd October
- Ypres occupied by German cavalry (see 13th).
- British army begins to leave the Aisne and to move northwards (see 19th).
- First units of British Royal Naval Division (Marine Brigade) arrive at Antwerp (3rd/4th).
- First contingents of Canadian and Newfoundland Expeditionary Forces leave for England (see 15th).
- Retreat of Austro-Hungarian forces in Galicia ends (see September 11th).
- Maramaros-Sziget taken by Russian forces (see 7th).
- Minelaying in the open sea (between the Goodwins and Ostend) commenced by British (see August 5th).
4th October
- Lens and Bailleul occupied by German forces (see 14th, and September 3rd, 1918, and August 30th, 1918).
- First Battle of Arras ends (see 1st October)
- Austro-Hungarian counter-offensive in Galicia begins (see 3rd).
- Provisional Government under Essad Pasha set up in Albania at Durazzo (see February 24th, 1916).
6th October
- Units of British 7th Division disembark at Ostend and Zeebrugge to co-operate with Belgian army (see 12th).
7th October
- Maramaros-Sziget retaken by Austrian forces (see 3rd).
- Belgian Government transferred from Antwerp to Ostend (see August 17th and October 12th and 13th). Evacuation of Antwerp begun.
- Japanese naval forces occupy Yap Island (Pacific).
8th October
- General Foch appointed to command Allied forces (less Belgians) defending the Flanders coast (see May 15th, 1917).
- Second British air raid on Germany (Düsseldorf and Cologne airship sheds attacked) (see September 22nd).
- First Russian invasion of North Hungary ends (see September 24th and November 15th).
9th October
- Merville, Estaires, Armentières, and Hazebrouck taken by German forces (see 10th, 11th and 17th).
- Menin occupied by German forces [Approximate date.] (see October 15th, 1918).
- Last forts of Antwerp taken by German forces (see 10th, and September 27th).
- First German offensive against Warsaw. Battles of Warsaw and Ivangorod begin (see 19th and 20th).
- Przemysl relieved by advancing Austrian forces (see 4th.). End of First siege (see September 24th and November 10th).
10th October
- Antwerp capitulates to German forces (see 9th, and September 27th, 1914, and November 19th, 1918).
- Hazebrouck and Estaires captured by British forces (see 9th).
- Battle of La Bassée begins (see November 2nd).
- Protocol signed by United States of America and Panama as to use of Panama Canal by ships of belligerent Powers.
- King Charles of Rumania dies, and is succeeded by his son Ferdinand.
11th October
- Merville retaken by British forces (see 9th, and April 11th, 1918).
- Russian cruiser "Pallada" sunk by German submarine off Hangö.
- German gunboat "Komet" captured by H.M.A.S. " Nusa " near Talassia (Neu Pommern). [Last act of hostilities in Australasian waters.]
12th October
- Battle of Messines 1914 begins (see November 2nd).
- First Battle of Artois ends (see September 27th).
- Ostend and zeebrugge evacuated by Belgian forces (see 6th and 15th).
- Lille capitulates to German forces (see September 5th, 1914, and October 17th, 1918).
- Ghent evacuated by Belgian forces and occupied by German forces (see November 10th, 1918).
13th October
- Battle of Armentières begins (see November 2nd).
- Ypres reoccupied by Allied forces retreating from Ghent (see 3rd and 19th).
- First appearance of a German submarine on the Southampton-Havre troop-transport route reported.
- Battle of Chyrow (Galicia) begins (see November 2nd).
- Belgian Government set up at Havre (see 7th, and November 21st, 1918).
14th October
- Bailleul occupied by British forces (see 4th, and April 15th, 1918).
- Bruges occupied by German forces (see October 19th, 1918).
- Yabasi (Cameroons) captured by Allied forces.
15th October
- Belgian coast-line reached by German forces (see October 20th, 1918).
- Zeebrugge and Ostend occupied by German forces (see 12th, and October 17th and 19th, 1918).
- First units of Canadian and Newfoundland Expeditionary Forces land in England (see 3rd, and February 9th, 1915).
- H.M.S. "Hawke" sunk by German submarine in North Sea.
16th October
- Battle of the Yser begins [Belgian date.] (see November 10th).
- New Zealand Expeditionary Force leaves New Zealand for France (see December 1st).
- Indian Expeditionary Force "B" leaves India for East Africa (see 31st).
- First units of Indian Expeditionary Force "D" leave India for the Persian Gulf (see 23rd).
- Marquis di San Giuliano, Italian Foreign Minister, [Appointed March 24th, 1914.] dies (see November 3rd).
17th October
- Armentières recaptured by Allied forces (see 9th, and April 11th, 1918).
- Action by H.M.S. "Undaunted" and destroyers with four German destroyers off Dutch coast: latter all sunk.
- First British submarines ("E.-1" and "E.-9") enter the Baltic.
- German submarines attempt raid on Scapa Flow (see 18th).
- First units of Australian Imperial Force embark for France (see December 1st).
18th October
- First bombardment of Ostend by British warships (see 15th).
- Roulers taken by German forces (see October 14th, 1918).
- Grand Fleet withdraws from Scapa Flow to West of Scotland (see 17th, and November 3rd).
- Japanese light cruiser "Takachiho" sunk by German destroyer off Tsingtau.
19th October
- Battles of Ypres 1914 begin (see 31st, and November 22nd).
- Transfer of British army from the Aisne to Flanders completed (see 3rd).
- First Indian units reach the Flanders front (see September 26th, and November 10th, 1915).
- Battle of Warsaw ends (see 9th).
20th October
- Battle of Ivangorod ends (see 9th).
- First merchant vessel sunk by German submarine (British S.S. "Glitra") (see. February 19th and March 13th and 28th, 1915).
21st October
- Battle of Langemarck 1914 (Ypres) begins (see 24th).
22nd October
- Czernowitz (Bukovina) reoccupied by Austrian forces (see 28th, and September 15th ).
- United States Government issue Circular Note to belligerent Governments stating that they will insist on existing rules of International Law (see July 28th, 1916).
23rd October
- Advanced troops of Indian Expeditionary Force "D" arrive at the Bahrein Islands (Persian Gulf) (see 16th, and November 6th).
24th October
- Battle of Langemarck 1914 (Ypres), ends (see 21st).
25th October
- General Sir C. Douglas, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Great Britain, dies [Appointed April 6, 1914.] (see 26th).
26th October
- German forces begin an unprovoked invasion of Angola (Portuguese West Africa) (see December 4th).
- Edea (Cameroons) occupied by French forces.
- General Sir .J. Wolfe Murray appointed Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Great Britain (see 25th, and September 25th, 1915).
27th October
- H.M.S. "Audacious" sunk by mine off coast of Donegal.
28th October
- Czernowitz (Bukovina) reoccupied by Russian forces (see 22nd, and February 17th, 1915).
- German cruiser "Emden" raids Penang Roads and sinks Russian cruiser "Zhemchug" (see September 10th and November 9th).
29th October
- Battle of Gheluvelt (Ypres) begins (see 31st).
- Turkey commences hostilities against Russia (see July 31st. and November 2nd and 5th). Turkish warships bombard Odessa, Sevastopol, and Theodosia.
- New British Order in Council revises list of contraband and modifies "Declaration of London" of 1909 (see August 20th, 1914, and July 7th, 1916).
- Prince Louis of Battenberg, First Sea Lord, Great Britain, resigns [Appointed December 9th, 1912.] (see 30th).
30th October
- Stanislau (Galicia) taken by Russian forces (see February 19th, 1915).
- Serbian forces begin retreat from the line of the Drina (see November 30th).
- Allied Governments present ultimatum to Turkey (see 29th).
- Great Britain and France sever diplomatic relations with Turkey. British and French Ambassadors demand passports (see 31st, and November 5th).
- Italian Cabinet resign. New Cabinet formed. Signor Salandra remains Premier (previously appointed March 24th, 1914) (see May 13th, 1915).
- British hospital ship "Rohilla" wrecked off Whitby.
- Lord Fisher appointed First Sea Lord, Great Britain (see 29th, and May 15th, 1915).
31st October
- Critical day of Battles of Ypres, 1914: British line broken and restored (see 19th, and November 11th). Battle of Gheluvelt ends (see 29th).
- H.M.S. "Hermes" sunk by German submarine in Straits of Dover.
- British Government issue orders for hostilities to commence against Turkey (see 30th, and November 1st and 5th).
- First units of Indian Expeditionary Force "B" arrive at Mombasa (see 16th, and December 31st).
- General Stewart succeeded in command of British forces in East Africa by General Aitken (see September 1st and December 4th).
- German light cruiser "Königsberg" located in Rufiji River (see July 11, 1915).
- Lord Kitchener sends to Sherif of Mecca conditional guarantee of Arabian independence (see July 14th, 1915).
1st November
- Messines taken by German forces (see June 7th, 1917).
- Great Britain and Turkey commence hostilities (see 5th, and October 30th and 31st).
- Naval action off Coronel. H.M.S. "Good Hope" and "Monmouth" sunk by Admiral von Spee's Squadron (see September 22nd and December 8th).
- Martial law proclaimed in Egypt (see September 10th and December 18th).
2nd November
- Battles of Messines and Armentières end (see October 12th and 13th).
- Battle of La Bassée ends (see October 10th).
- Battle of Chyrow ends (see October 13th).
- Austrian cruiser "Kaiserin Elizabeth" sunk in Tsingtau harbour.
- First units of Indian Expeditionary Force "F" leave India for Egypt (see 16th).
- Government of India announce immunity of the Mussulman Holy Places during hostilities with Turkey.
- Russia declares war on Turkey (see October 29th).
- "State of War" commences between Serbia and Turkey.
- British Admiralty declare the North Sea a military zone.
- British force begins attack on Tanga (German East Africa) (see 5th).
3rd November
- First German naval raid on British coast near Gorleston and Yarmouth.
- Grand Fleet ordered back to Scapa flow (see October 18th, 1914, and November 21st, 1918).
- Northern frontier of German East Africa first crossed by British troops. (Affair of Longido.) (See August 15th.)
- Allied squadrons bombard forts at entrance of the Dardanelles (see December 13th).
- Baron Sonnino appointed Italian Foreign Minister (see October 16th and 30th, 1914, and May 13th, 1915).
4th November
- German cruiser "Karlsruhe" sunk in the Atlantic by internal explosion (see August 6th).
- German cruiser "Yorck" sunk by mine off the German coast.
- Russian forces cross frontier of Turkey-in-Asia and seize Azap.
- Moratorium in Great Britain ends (see August 2nd).
5th November
- Great Britain and France formally declare war on Turkey (see 1st and 11th, and October 31st).
- Great Britain annexes Cyprus.
- Attack on Tanga ends. British force repulsed (see 2nd, and July 7th, 1916).
- Belgian Government reject Papal mediation (see July 30th, 1915).
6th November
- Advanced troops of Indian Expeditionary Force "D" effect landing in Mesopotamia at Fao (see 22nd, and October 23rd).
- Turkey severs diplomatic relations with Belgium.
- British submarine "B.-11" proceeds two miles up the Dardanelles. (First warship to enter Straits.) (See December 13th).
- Keupri-Keui (Armenia) taken by Russian forces (see 14th).
- French Government issue declaration modifying list of contraband (see August 25th, 1914, and January 3rd, 1915).
7th November
- Tsingtau capitulates to Japanese forces (see September 2nd and 23rd, 1914, and August 6th, 1915).
9th November
- German cruiser "Emden" destroyed by H.M.A.S. "Sydney" at the Cocos Islands (see October 28th).
- German gunboat "Geier" interned at Honolulu.
- British and French Governments conclude convention as to naval "prizes" (see August 6th, 1914, and January 15th, 1917).
10th November
- Battle of the Yser ends [French date.] (see October 16th).
- Dixmude stormed by German forces (see September 29th, 1918).
- Przemysl again isolated by Russian forces (see October 9th). Second Siege begins (see March 22nd, 1915).
- British force storms Sheikh Saïd (Southern Arabia) and destroys the defences (10th/11th).
11th November
- Battle of Nonneboschen (Ypres). Attack by German Guard repulsed (see 22nd, and October 19th and 31st).
- Memel (East Prussia) occupied by Russian forces (see February 17th, 1915). [Approximate date.]
- The Sheikh ul Islam issues Fatwa declaring Jehad (Holy War) against all the Allies (see 2nd, 5th, and 14th).
- H.M.S. "Niger" sunk by German submarine off Deal.
12th November
- Orders issued for all British aeroplanes on Western front to bear distinguishing marks (see September 28th).
13th November
- Dutch Government protest against modifications of the Declaration of London (see October 29th).
- Lieut.-General Sir A. Barrett takes over command of Indian Expeditionary Force "D" in Mesopotamia (see September 28th, 1914, and April 9th, 1915).
14th November
- Keupri-Keui (Armenia) retaken by Turkish forces (see 6th).
- Field-Marshal Earl Roberts dies in France.
- Sultan of Turkey as Khalif proclaims Jehad against those making war on Turkey or her allies (see 11th).
- Japanese Cabinet decide against despatch of troops or warships to Europe (see February 8th, 1916, and April 17th, 1917).
15th November
- Battle of Cracow begins (see December 2nd).
- Second Russian invasion of North Hungary begins (see October 8th and December 12th).
- Affair of Saihan (Mesopotamia).
16th November
- First units of Indian Expeditionary Force "F" land in Egypt (see 2nd, and March 25th, 1915).
- Second German offensive against Warsaw. Battle of Lodz begins (see December 15th).
17th November
- Libau (Baltic) bombarded by German squadron (see August 2nd).
- German cruiser "Friedrich Karl" sunk by mine in the Baltic.
- Trebizond (Black Sea) bombarded by Russian squadron (see April 6th, 1916).
- Affair of Sahil (Mesopotamia).
18th November
- Re-transfer of French Government from Bordeaux to Paris begins (see September 2nd).
20th November
- British, Belgian, and French Governments withdraw proposal for neutralisation of African free trade zone in view of altered situation (see August 22nd).
21st November
- British naval air raid on Friedrichshaven.
22nd November
- Battles of Ypres, 1914, end (see October 19th, 31st, and November 11th, 1914, and April 22nd, 1915).
- War Office assume control of the British operations in East Africa.
- Basra (Mesopotamia) occupied by British forces (see 6th). [Formal occupation took place on the 23rd.]
- Keupri-Keui (Armenia) again taken bY Russian forces (see 14th and December 17th).
23rd November
- Netherlands Overseas Trust formed (see June 3rd, 1915).
- Portuguese Government announce prospective co-operation of Portugal with Great Britain (see August 8th, 1916).
26th November
- H.M.S. "Bulwark" destroyed by internal explosion in Sheerness harbour.
27th November
- General von Hindenburg promoted Field-Marshal (see September 18th, 1914, and August 29th, 1916).
28th November
- Affair of Miranshah (North-West Frontier of India) (28th/29th). [First outbreak on North-West Frontier of India caused by German intrigues.]
30th November
- Battle of Lowicz-Sanniki begins (see December 17th).
- Belgrade evacuated by retreating Serbian forces (see October 30th).
1st December
- Battle of Limanova-Lapanov begins (see 17th).
- First units of Australian and New Zealand Expeditionary Forces arrive at Suez (see October 16th and 17th, 1914, and February 20th and April 25th, 1915).
- General de Wet, the leader of South African rebellion, captured by Union troops (see 28th, and September 15th).
2nd December
- Austrian forces cross the Danube and occupy Belgrade (see 15th, and November 30th).
- Battle of Cracow ends (see November 15th).
3rd December
- Battle of the Kolubara (Serbia) begins (see 6th).
- British Government agree to Japanese request that Australia should not occupy German islands north of the Equator (see 16th).
4th December
- First action of Qurna (Mesopotamia) begins (see 8th).
- General Wapshare succeeds General Aitken in command of the British forces in East Africa: latter recalled (see October 31st and November 5th, 1914, and April 16th, 1915).
- Portuguese Expeditionary Force leaves Lisbon for Angola (see October 26th, 1914, and August 8th, 1916).
5th December
- Entente démarche in Athens, Sofia, and Bukharest to secure help for Serbia (see 6th, and January 24th, 1915).
- Serbian Government declare that Serbia will never make peace without Allied consent.
6th December
- Battle of the Kolubara ends. Austrian forces routed by the Serbians and driven northwards (see 3rd).
- Rumanian Government decline to guarantee Greece against German attack (see 5th).
7th December
- British Envoy (Sir H. Howard) appointed to the Vatican.
8th December
- First action of Qurna ends (see 4th).
- Battle of the Falklands. Admiral von Spee's squadron destroyed. "Scharnhorst", "Gneisenau", "Leipzig" and "Nürnberg" sunk. Admiral von Spee killed (see November 1st). "Dresden" escapes (see March 14th, 1915).
9th December
- Qurna occupied by British forces (see 8th).
10th December
- Field-Marshal von der Goltz leaves Germany to take over control of the Turkish Army (see November 24th, 1915, and April 19th, 1916).
- Batum (Georgia) bombarded by the "Goeben" and "Breslau".
11th December
- Dr. B. L. Machado Guimarães, Portuguese Premier, resigns (appointed June 23rd, 1914) (see 12th).
12th December
- Second Russian invasion of North Hungary ends (see November 15th).
- Senhor V. H. d'Azevedo Coutinho appointed Portuguese Premier (see 11th, and January 25th, 1915).
13th December
- Turkish battleship "Messoudieh" sunk by British submarine "B 11" in the Dardanelles (see November 6th).
14th December
- Allied demonstrations on Flanders front begin. Attack on Wytschaete.
- German armed merchant cruiser "Cormoran" (ex-Russian S.S. "Ryasan") interned at Guam.
15th December
- Battle of Lodz ends (see November 16th).
- Belgrade occupied by Serbian forces (see 2nd). End of Second Austrian invasion of Serbia (see October 6th and 9th, 1915).
- German airship sighted off East Coast of England (first appearance of hostile aircraft in vicinity of British Isles (see 21st).
16th December
- Scarborough and Hartlepool (East coast of England) bombarded by German battle cruiser squadron.
- Japanese Foreign Minister declares Japan will not give up German islands occupied north of the Equator (see 3rd, and February 14th, 1917).
17th December
- Battle of Lowicz-Sanniki ends (see November 30th).
- Battle of Limanova-Lapanov ends (see 1st).
- Turkish Offensive in the Caucasus begins. Keupri-Keui retaken (see 29th, November 22nd, 1914, and January .17th, 1916).
18th December
- British Protectorate over Egypt proclaimed.
- Meeting of Scandinavian Kings at Malmö.
- Battle of the Rawka-Bzura begins. [This battle had no definite end; operations subsided into trench warfare.]
19th December
- British Government declare Khedive Abbas Hilmi deposed, and proclaim Prince Hussein Kamel Pasha as Sultan of Egypt (see October 9th, 1917).
- Great Britain declares adherence to Franco-Moorish Treaty of 1912.
20th December
- First Battle of Champagne begins (see March 17th, 1915).
Battles of the Western Front: 1915 Battles for a Breakthrough
- British defence of Givenchy 1914 (20th/21st).
21st December
- First German air raid on England. Aeroplane drops bombs in sea near Dover (see 24th, January 19th, 1915, and July 20th and August 5th, 1918).
- Jasin (East Africa) occupied by British forces (see January 18th and 19th, 1915).
23rd December
- British Proclamation issued containing revised list of contraband (see September 21st, 1914, and March 11th, 1915).
24th December
- Second air raid on England (see 21st). First bomb dropped on English soil (near Dover).
25th December
- British seaplane raid on Cuxhaven.
26th December
- Italian force lands at Valona; Italy notifies Austria of provisional occupation (see May 29th, 1915).
- Garibaldi's Italian Foreign Legion in action for first time on French front.
28th December
- End of organised rebellion in South Africa (see September 15th, 1914, and January 11th, 1915).
29th December
- Battle of Sarikamish (Caucasus) begins (see 17th, and January 2nd, 1915).
- British Government send memorandum to United States Government in defence of British blockade policy.
30th December
- Russian Commander-in-Chief (Grand Duke Nicholas) suggests a British expedition against the Turks to ease Russian situation in the Caucasus (see January 13th, 1915).
31st December
- Indian Expeditionary Force "C" (East Africa) absorbed into Indian Expeditionary Force "B" (see September 1st and October 31st).
Related Reading

The Assassination of the Archduke: Sarajevo 1914 and the Murder that Changed the World (hardcover)
by Greg King and Sue Woolmans
432 pages. Publisher: Macmillan; Unabridged edition (26 Sep 2013). ISBN-10: 0230759572; ISBN-13: 978-0230759572

The War that Ended Peace: How Europe abandoned peace for the First World War (hardcover)
by Professor Margaret Macmillan
704 pages. Publisher: Profile Books (17 Oct 2013). ISBN-10: 184668272X; ISBN-13: 978-1846682728

Catastrophe: Europe Goes to War 1914 (hardcover)
by Max Hastings
672 pages. Publisher: William Collins (12 Sep 2013). ISBN-10: 0007398573; ISBN-13: 978-0007398577

The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 (paperback)
by Christopher Clark
Paperback: 736 pages. Publisher: Penguin (4 July 2013). ISBN-10: 0141027827; ISBN-13: 978-0141027821
Various sources have been used to create this timeline but a large proportion have come from a 1987 reprint of the following book first published in 1922 by His Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO):
History of the Great War - Principal Events 1914-1918, HMSO, 1922, ISBN - 0 948 13031 8
For other specific sources used in this website see the bibliography: