WW1 Related Events in the United States
- National WW1 Museum Exhibitions & Events
- The Western Front Association East Coast Branch (USA)
- The WW1 Centennial Network
- Related Topic: Virtual WW1 Online Exhibitions
National WW1 Museum Exhibitions & Events
Exhibitions and events at the National WW1 Museum in Kansas are to be found on the museum website:
Website: www.theworldwar.org
The Western Front Association (WFA) East Coast Branch (USA)

Visit the WFA East Coast Branch facebook page for information about the branch and its WW1 events and activities:
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/376448568581/
The WW1 Centennial Commission
The WW1 Centennial Commission was created by an Act of Congress in 2013.
A comprehensive website has been established to bring together organizations, museums and historic sites in the United States which commemorate and study the First World War.
To find out more visit the website at:
Website: www.worldwar1centennial.org
Related Topics

The Western Front Association (WFA)
Founded in 1980. The Western Front Association (WFA) was founded by the late John Giles and friends as an association to maintain an interest in the First World War (1914-1918). The WFA aims to perpetuate the memory, courage and comradeship of all those who participated in the war from all sides, and on all Fronts: on land, at sea, in the air and on the Home Front. The WFA is a non-political organisation. It does not seek to glorify war. To find out more about the WFA and how you can join visit the website:
Website: www.westernfrontassociation.com
Virtual WW1 Online Exhibitions
There are a number of virtual WW1 exhibitions available to view online. For links to these you can visit our page at: