French Flanders & Artois WW1 Events
This page provides information about events related to the First World War taking place on and around the French Flanders and Artois battlefields.
Index to the listings:
Do you have any Great War related events?
Send us an email to giving us the date, location, contact details and description of your event.
Remembrance Ceremony
Weekly Act of Remembrance: Souvenir Flame

Sundays (Palm Sunday to 11 November inclusive) at 11.45 hours
Ablain St-Nazaire French Military Cemetery (Notre Dame de Lorette), Souchez
Each Sunday from Palm Sunday to 11 November at 11.45 hours the “Souvenir Flame” in the centre of the cemetery is rekindled by the leader of the Honour Guards on duty that day.
Ablain St-Nazaire French Military Cemetery (Notre Dame de Lorette), Souchez
ANZAC Day Wreath Laying Ceremony, Bullecourt

25 April 2024, at 15.00 hours and 16.00 hours
Location: Bullecourt 62128
- Event One: 15.00 hours ANZAC Day Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Commonwealth and the French monuments in Bullecourt village centre, the Square du Souvenir Français
- Event Two: 16:00 hours ANZAC Day Commemorative Service at the Australian “Digger” Memorial on the outskirts of the village.

For information about these and other ANZAC Day Services in France you can visit the Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs:
Website: Anzac Day Commemoration Services Information 2024
Or make an enquiry at the Musée Jean et Denise Letaille - Bullecourt 1917
Email (Musée Bullecourt 1917):
Telephone: +33 3 21 55 33 20
For information about the Australian Memorial Park Bullecourt see our page:
Related Topic
For information about places to visit and the battles that took place in the region of French Flanders & Artois see our page: