2014-2018 Centenary Events in the United States
Armistice Commemoration Event
11 11 11 1918: Dramatized writings from the trenches of THE WAR TO END TO ALL WARS
Date: Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 4pm, reception to follow
Venue: BABS LAB, CoRK Arts District, King and Roselle Street, Jacksonville, FL
Tickets: No admission charge. Donations accepted. Proceeds will benefit local non-profits that support veterans.
Directed by Jeff Bradley, with Kevin Bodge, Cher Davis, Lee Hunter, Charlotte Mabrey, Keith Marks, Nick Michaud, Noel Millan and Peter Wright.
The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918 marked the cessation of the hostilities we now refer to as World War I. World War I, called "the war to end all wars,” was a terrible conflict that devastated Europe and left a deep scar on the entire world. Technological advances made the war particularly horrific, and as casualties mounted, public and private sentiment that once thought of war as honorable and heroic began to realize that it was neither. Many people were moved to write poetry about the war, so much so that World War I poetry is a genre all its own.
Canadian writer and performer (and now Jacksonville resident) Jeff Bradley has long been moved by this poetry. In commemoration of Veterans Day and the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day, Jeff has created a work for theatre that features the stunning and powerful poetry and writings from soldiers and others touched by their experiences of this war. Jeff has enlisted a few of Jacksonville’s finest actors to recreate the thoughts and expressions of some of these poets, some of whom did not live to see the end of the war nor their words published.
For further details you can contact Lee Hunter by email:
Email: leehunter@me.com
Website: corkartsdistrict.com
The WW1 Centennial Network

The WW1 Centennial Network is sponsored by The Western Front Association (WFA). The founding organization for the WW1 Centennial Network is The Western Front Association East Coast Branch (USA).
A comprehensive website has been established to bring together organizations, museums and historic sites in the United States which commemorate and study the First World War.
To find out about special events, exhibitions, Network members, WW1 links and news visit the website at:
Website: www.ww1-centennial.org
National WW1 Museum Exhibitions & Events
Exhibitions and events to commemorate the centenary at the National WW1 Museum in Kansas are to be found on the museum website:
Website: www.theworldwar.org
Related Link

The Western Front Association (WFA)
Founded in 1980. The Western Front Association (WFA) was founded by the late John Giles and friends as an association to maintain an interest in the First World War (1914-1918). The WFA aims to perpetuate the memory, courage and comradeship of all those who participated in the war from all sides, and on all Fronts: on land, at sea, in the air and on the Home Front. The WFA is a non-political organisation. It does not seek to glorify war. To find out more about the WFA and how you can join visit the website:
Website: www.westernfrontassociation.com